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Masonry and Brickwork

These instructions give directions for laying masonry/brickwork using appropriate building

The following documentation shall be submitted to the Engineer:
- Technical data sheets for products
- Mixing formulae, depending on environmental conditions and additives
- Manufacturers' instructions for working with products
- Manufacturers' certificates indicating that specifications have been complied with
- List of requirements that are to be specially observed (see also information in 'Quality
assurance' section).

Building mortar and bricks delivered must be checked for compliance with the original
Materials must be stored in a dry place. Storage temperature shall not be lower than 10 C.
In all other matters the manufacturer's recommendations for storing the materials must be
Care must be taken that the use-by dates on building mortar are observed. The
manufacturer's information must be taken into account.
The following building mortars may not be used:
- old mortar
- excessively dry mortar, or mortar that has hardened
- hardened mortar which has been "re-thinned"
- mixed mortars of various ages
- mortar which has been thawed out after freezing.
While work is in progress, laboratory tests must be carried out on building bricks for their
load-bearing capacity if more than 80% of the load-bearing capacity of the structure is
being used.
The following rules shall be observed when testing building mortars:
Tests for ease of laying and consistency of mortar shall be carried out 3 times per
shift. Here, depending on the purpose for which the mortar is being used, it shall be
necessary to guarantee that the mortar has the following consistency values
(slumping of standard cone):
- for laying walls using large blocks and slabs, and for embedding seams in
such walls - 5-7 cm;
- for normal work made from hollow bricks and ceramic stone - 7-8 cm;
- for work made from normal bricks, concrete stones and stones made from light
concrete - 9-13 cm;
- during transport of mortar - 14 cm.
For work made of natural stone, consistency of mortar shall be 4-6 cm, while for
filling in cavities it shall be 13-14 cm.
The strength of building mortar when compressed must be checked before starting
work and during work. When mortar is being made at a central location, these
checks shall comprise:
monitoring of the mixing plant, and, at the building site itself:
monitoring of quality certificates for the mortar.
The strength of mortar depending on time and temperature of setting must be
checked when testing for strength under compression in accordance with the
agreed international standards.
Further technical requirements and types of test for assuring quality when laying
masonry and brickwork:
In accordance with the agreed international standards, the Contractor shall impose
the following directions which shall guide the construction laboratory when
performing quality control:
- Quality control instructions for materials to be used, their type, strength class,
and density limits (for items made of light concrete);
- Grades of building mortar (taking account of outside air temperature), and
grades for use when installing supports and elements between them and also
for use in reinforced masonry/brickwork;
- Requirements for reinforced masonry/brickwork; type of reinforcement, grade,
class and positioning;
- Instructions for systematic laboratory monitoring of the strength of bricks and
mortar as used on a structure, if required (where more than 80% of the loadbearing
capacity of the structure is being used).
Fresh building mortar being delivered to the site shall be accepted on the basis of a
technical data sheet or extracts from one.

Building mortar and bricks to be laid shall be chosen in accordance with the agreed
international standards in accordance with the type of use and the requirements of the

Mortar shall only be prepared in the amounts that are needed for immediate use.
Masonry/brickwork shall be made with bonding with filled-in joins.
During work, freshly laid masonry/brickwork shall be secured against harm.
Surplus building mortar must be removed.
Grooves and openings shall be cut using suitable tools. Positions and sizes shall be as
required by other work that is to be done.
Masonry/brickwork must be separated from other components of the structure by using
All measures to prevent cracking are the responsibility of the Contractor.
Joints between concrete parts and masonry/brickwork shall be tight and clean.
Small openings and toothing, if made subsequently, may only be made by drilling or
Installation of a prescribed horizontal damp-proof layer shall be compulsory.
When laying bricks/stones for pointing, a template shall be used.
Damaged or wrongly sized stones may not be laid.
Stone segments for laying shall not be broken off from whole stones, but sawn off.

Labels: Building Specifications

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