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Standard construction specifications for earthwork

This section of standards and regulations concerns the handling, loading, transporting,
backfilling, and compacting of earth. In addition, this section applies to the construction of
buildings and structures and to the carrying out of earthworks for infrastructure elements,
such as: cable trenches, drainage, all types of embankments etc. When earth is being
excavated, these standards and regulations apply as far as the upper edge of the slope
regardless of distance from structure. These standards and regulations also apply to pilesupported
foundations and to earthworks for road building, and also to works in conditions
where there is subsoil or underground water.

Unless otherwise specified, the quality of materials, equipment and workmanship shall
comply with accepted international standards agreed with the Engineer.

All laying-out and measuring, both for Engineering preparation of the site and for all
structures, shall be carried out by the Contractor after studying documents describing any
investigations carried out. It is possible when carrying out work that difficulties, or
underground structures for which there is no documentation, may be encountered. The
Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that he is required to notify the Engineer
immediately in writing of difficulties of this nature. The Contractor bears sole responsibility
for evaluating information provided and for estimating amounts of work to be done. If
necessary he shall carry out additional investigations with the aim of obtaining a clear
picture of the situation at the building site.
The contractor shall clear the site of all vegetation, rubbish, debris and other unsuitable
materials. The contractor shall dispose of all materials in a controlled manner off-site to a
location approved by relevant authorities.
The contractor shall check with the relevant authorities to determine what services are at
present on the site. The contractor shall locate and effectively seal of drain ends. When
necessary, contractor shall divert services still in use and provide all temporary works
necessary to maintain such services in full functional order. He shall reinstate such
services to the approval of the relevant authorities at the earliest opportunity and comply
with regulations and obtain necessary permits.

If it is necessary to carry out engineering investigations, the Engineer shall be provided
Quality control results for earthworks carried out
Records of laboratory testing of earth
A list of materials and devices to be used
Additional samples of material for subsequent quality control
A report on geological engineering investigations.

Prior to installation of pipes, a base layer of approved sand shall be constructed to a
thickness of 10cm. The base layer shall be properly compacted by means of hand tamper
or soil compactor and provided with a suitable depression for pipe rest.
After the pipe is tested and accepted by the Engineer, backfilling with the sand shall be
carried out to cover the pipe by not less than 15cm. The remaining space up to the grade
may be backfilled with the ordinary soil as specified hereinbefore.
The sand shall not contain stones larger than 9mm diameter.
Care shall be taken in compacting the backfilled material not to damage the pipe by
excessive or concentrated compaction work.

For concrete structures of building, equipment foundations, tanks or the like, a rubble
foundation course shall be constructed on the excavated or embanked ground as shown
on the Drawings or where directed by the Engineer.
The rubble foundation shall be made of approved rubble or crushed stone having a
nominal size of larger than 65mm to a total thickness of 10cm or 15cm. The rubble or
crushed stone shall be well compacted with jumping rammer, vibrating soil compactor or
roller depending on the place to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Top faces of the
foundation shall be filled up with gravel or crusher-run of suitable size and made smooth
while compaction work proceeds.

Labels: Building Specifications

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