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What is the difference between T rebars and H rebars?


There is no difference between ‘T’ rebars and ‘H’ rebars, as they both refer to high tensile steel. The letter ‘T’ comes from older codes of practice and ‘H’ is the more modern or current standard. Always use H to avoid confusion with T = Top and B = Bottom. So for example:

5H10 T&B means five 10mm diameter rebars top and five 10mm rebars bottom of the slab or beam. Also you can place two lines above one another as so:

4H16 T

4H25 B

Which would be a common way of showing a beam had different bar sizes top and bottom.

Note that the grade of rebar should be specified in your calculations and drawings using the tensile strength and ductility grade, B500A, B500B and B500C.

Labels: Construction, Materials

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