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Workability of concrete


Concrete is one if the most used construction materials in the world today. It can be placed in forms to create almost any shape, or placed in flat slabs thousands of feet long and inches or feet thick, it can be structural columns and beams supporting tall buildings or bridges, or it can be the hull of a boat that floats underneath the bridge and out to sea.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, usually Portland cement, coarse and fine aggregates (think of coarse as gravel and fine as sand, though other materials may be used). When cement is mixed with water and the appropriate aggregates, it becomes plastic (fluid), and it is placed in forms (molds) to create the shape the user is building. Hydration, a reaction between the dry components of the cement and water causes the concrete to set up, or harden into a stone like material that is the foundation (literally) of the construction industry today.


The property of concrete which determines the amount of useful internal work ,necessary to produce full compaction i.e workability is the amount of energy to overcome Friction while compacting. Also defined as the relative ease with which concrete can be mixed ,transported, moulded and compacted.


SLUMP TEST: Slump cone of bottom dia 20cm, top dia 10cm and height 30cm at three layers of conrete .Each layer tamped for 25 times bya standard tamping rod of 16mm diameter and 60 cm length. The subsidence of concrete under gravity in “mm” is SLUMP.

Labels: Building Specifications, Materials

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