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Revit shortcuts & Hotkey guide

Revit shortcuts & hotkey guide

Work faster and more efficiently by using the Revit Keyboard Shortcuts below. You can find a downloadable list of shortcuts and commands in the Revit Keyboard Shortcuts PDF.


DI       ALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.

DL      DETAIL LINE / Creates view-specific lines.

EL       SPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.

FR       FIND/REPLACE / Find and replace.


RT      TAG ROOM; ROOM TAG / Tags the selected room.

TG      TAG BY CATEGORY / Applies tags to elements based on their categories.

TX       TEXT / Adds text.


AA      ADJUST ANALYTICAL MODEL / Adjusts the analytical model of the structural member in relation to those of the elements to which it joins.

DC      CHECK DUCT SYSTEMS / Examines the mechanical systems in a project to verify that each system is assigned to a userdefined system, and properly connected.

EC       CHECK CIRCUITS / Verifies all circuits for proper connections to panels and valid system assignments.

LD      LOADS / Applies point, line and area loads to a model.

LO       HEATING AND COOLING LOADS / Prepares a heating and cooling load analysis report based on an existing building model.

PC       CHECK PIPE SYSTEMS / Examines the piping systems in a project to verify that each system is assigned to a user-defined system, and properly connected.

PS       PANEL SCHEDULES / Generates a panel schedule for a specific panel.

RA      RESET ANALYTICAL MODEL / Restores the analytical model alignment methods to auto-detect.


CL       COLUMN; STRUCTURAL COLUMN / Adds a vertical load-bearing element to the building model.

CM     PLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.

DR      DOOR / Adds a door to the building model.

GR      GRID / Places column grid lines in the building design.

LL       LEVEL / Places a level in view.

RM     ROOM / Creates a room bounded by model elements and separation lines.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

RT      TAG ROOM; ROOM TAG / Tags the selected room.

SB       FLOOR:FLOOR: STRUCTURAL / Adds structural floors to a building model.

WA     WALL; WALL:WALL: ARCHITECTURAL / Creates a non-bearing wall or a structural wall in the building model.

WN    WINDOW / Places a window in a wall or skylight in a roof.


ER      EDITING REQUESTS / Displays a list of usersí requests to borrow elements in worksets, as well as pending requests.

RL or RW     RELOAD LATEST / Loads the latest version of the central model.

Context Menu

MP     MOVE TO PROJECT / Move the model relative to a shared coordinate system.

R3      DEFINE A NEW CENTER OF ROTATION / Relocates center of rotation when rotating elements.

RA      RESTORE ALL EXCLUDED / Restores all excluded parts and elements.

RB      RESTORE EXCLUDED MEMBER / Restores an excluded member.

RC      REPEAT LAST COMMAND / Repeats the last command.

SA       SELECT ALL INSTANCES: IN ENTIRE PROJECT / Selects all of the elements that are similar to the selected element in the current view, or throughout the project.

Contextual Tabs

//        DIVIDE SURFACE / Applies a division grid along a surface in a conceptual design.

AA      ADJUST ANALYTICAL MODEL / Adjusts the analytical model of the structural member in relation to those of the elements to which it joins.

AD      ATTACH DETAIL GROUP / Creates an attached detail group.

AP      ADD TO GROUP / Adds elements to a group.

BS       STRUCTURAL BEAM SYSTEM; AUTOMATIC BEAM SYSTEM / Creates a layout that is used to control the number and spacing of a series of parallel beams.

CG      CANCEL / Cancels an action.

DI       ALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.

EG      EDIT GROUP / Edits a group.

EL       SPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.

EP       EDIT PAR / Edits a part element.

EU      UNHIDE ELEMENT / Enables a hidden element to appear in view.

EW     EDIT WITNESS LINES / Edits a witness line.

FG       FINISH / Finishes editing a group.

HT      SHOW HELP TOOLTIP / Displays the Help Tooltip.

JP        JUSTIFICATION POINTS / Sets a justification point for relocating elements.

JY        ZOFFSET / Offsets an element in the z direction.

JZ        SHOW HELP TOOLTIP / Displays the Help Tooltip.

LI        MODEL LINE; BOUNDARY LINE; REBAR LINE / Places a new line.

PP or CTRL-1 or VP         PROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.

RA      RESTORE ALL EXCLUDED / Restores all excluded parts and elements.

RG      REMOVE FROM GROUP / Removes elements from a group.

RH      TOGGLE REVEAL HIDDEN ELEMENTS MODE / Toggles the Reveal Hidden Elements Mode.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

UG      UNGROUP / Ungroups members of a group.

VU      UNHIDE CATEGORY / Enables a hidden category to appear in view.


CM     PLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.

D         ALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.

FR       FIND/REPLACE / Find and replace.


LI        MODEL LINE; BOUNDARY LINE; REBAR LINE / Places a new line.

LL       LEVEL / Places a level in view.

MD     MODIFY / Enters selection mode to select elements to modify.

PP or CTRL-1 or VP         PROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

TX       TEXT / Adds text


ES       MEP SETTINGS:ELECTRICAL SETTINGS / Accesses dialog box to specify wiring parameters, voltages definitions, distribution systems, cable tray and conduit settings, and load calculation and circuit numbering settings.

MS      MEP SETTINGS:MECHANICAL SETTINGS / Accesses dialog box to configure component sizes, and the behavior and appearance of the mechanical systems.

SU       ADDITIONAL SETTINGS:SUN SETTINGS / Opens the sun settings dialog box.

UN      PROJECT UNITS / Opens the Project Units tool.


AL       ALIGN / Aligns one or more elements with selected element.

AR      ARRAY / Creates a linear or radial array of selected elements.

CO or CC      COPY / Copies selected element(s).

CP       COPE; APPLY COPING / Applies coping to steel beam or columns.

CS       CREATE SIMILAR / Creates an element of the same type as the selected element.

DE      DELETE / Removes selected element(s) from the building model.

DI       ALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.

DM     MIRROR - DRAW AXIS / Reverses the position of a selected model element, using a user-generated line as the mirror axis.

EH      HIDE IN VIEW:HIDE ELEMENTS / Hides an element from view.

EL       SPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.

EOD   OVERRIDE GRAPHICS IN VIEW:OVERRIDE BY ELEMENT / Changes the graphic display settings for selected elements in the current view.

LI        MODEL LINE; BOUNDARY LINE; REBAR LINE / Places a new line.

LW     LINEWORK / Overrides the line style of selected line in the active view only.

MA     MATCH TYPE PROPERTIES / Opens the Match Type tool to convert one or more elements to match the type assigned to another element.

MM    MIRROR - PICK AXIS / Reverses the position of a selected model element, using a selected line as the mirror axis.

MV     MOVE / Moves a selected element.

OF       OFFSET / Moves a selected model line, detail line, wall, or beam a specified distance perpendicular to its length.

PN      PIN / Locks a model element in place.

PP or CTRL-1 or VP         PROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.

PT       PAINT / Opens the Paint tool.

RC      COPE:REMOVE COPING / Removes coping.

RE      SCALE / Resizes the selected element.

RO      ROTATE / Rotates selected element around an axis.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

SF       SPLIT FACE / Divides the face of an element into regions for application of different materials.

SL       SPLIT ELEMENT / Cuts an element (such as a wall or line) at a selected point.

TR      TRIM/EXTEND TO CORNER / Trims or extend one or more elements to form a corner.

UP      UNPIN / Unpins an element that is locked in position or an element that is driven by its host system.

VH      HIDE IN VIEW:HIDE CATEGORY / Hides an element category from view.

Navigation Bar

32       2D MODE / Navigates the view using only 2D navigation options.

3F       FLY MODE / Simulates flying through a model.

3O      OBJECT MODE / Navigates and reorients the view in the direction of the controller cap.

3W     WALK MODE / Simulates walking through a model.

ZA       ZOOM ALL TO FIT / Zooms to fit all in view.

ZE or ZF or ZX        ZOOM TO FIT / Zooms to fit.

ZO or ZV       ZOOM OUT(2X) / Zooms out the project view by 2X.

ZP or ZC       PREVIOUS PAN/ZOOM / Returns to previous pan or zoom.l

ZR or ZZ       ZOOM IN REGION / Zooms to a region.

ZS       ZOOM SHEET SIZE / Zooms to sheet size.


PC       SNAP TO POINT CLOUDS / Snaps to point cloud.

SC       CENTERS / Snaps to center

SE       ENDPOINTS / Snaps to endpoints.

SI        INTERSECTIONS / Snaps to intersection.

SM      MIDPOINTS / Snaps to midpoint.

SN       NEAREST / Snaps to nearest.

SO       SNAPS OFF / Turns snaps off.

SP       PERPENDICULAR / Snaps to perpendicular.

SQ       QUADRANTS / Snaps to quadrant.

SR       SNAP TO REMOTE OBJECTS / Snaps to objects that are not near the element.

SS        TURN OVERRIDE OFF / Turns off override feature.

ST       TANGENTS / Snaps to tangent.

SW     WORK PLANE GRID / Snaps to the work plane grid.

SX       POINTS / Snaps to points.


BM     STRUCTURAL FRAMING: BEAM / Adds a load-bearing structural beam element to the building model.

BR      STRUCTURAL FRAMING: BRACE / Adds diagonal members that are connected to beams and columns.

BS       STRUCTURAL BEAM SYSTEM; AUTOMATIC BEAM SYSTEM / Creates a layout that is used to control the number and spacing of a series of parallel beams.

CL       COLUMN; STRUCTURAL COLUMN / Adds a vertical load-bearing element to the building model.

CM     PLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.

FT       STRUCTURAL FOUNDATION: WALL / Creates a wall foundation for the building model.

GR      GRID / Places column grid lines in the building design.

LL       LEVEL / Places a level in view.

RN      REINFORCEMENT NUMBERS / Defines or edits numbering sequences by partition for rebar and fabric sheets.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

SB       FLOOR:FLOOR: STRUCTURAL / Adds structural floors to a building model.

WA     WALL; WALL:WALL: ARCHITECTURAL / Creates a non-bearing wall or a structural wall in the building model.


AT      AIR TERMINAL / Places a register, grille or diffuser.

CM     PLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.

CN      CONDUIT / Draws a rigid conduit run.

CT       CABLE TRAY / Draws a cable tray run.

CV      CONVERT TO FLEX DUCT / Converts a section of rigid duct to flexible duct.

DA      DUCT ACCESSORY / Adds duct accessories, such as dampers, in duct systems.

DF      DUCT FITTING / Places duct fittings (elbows, tees, end caps, and so on) in duct systems.

DT      DUCT / Draws ductwork in the building model.

EE       ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT / Places electrical equipment, such as panels and switch gear.

EW     ARC WIRE / Draws an arced wire run.

FD      FLEX DUCT / Draws flexible ductwork in the building model.

FP       FLEX PIPE / Draws flexible pipes.

LF       LIGHTING FIXTURE / Adds a lighting fixture element.

ME     MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT / Places mechanical equipment such as boilers, furnaces or fans.

NF      CONDUIT FITTING / Places conduit fittings.

PA      PIPE ACCESSORY / Adds pipe accessories.

PF       PIPE FITTING / Draws a pipe fitting in a piping system.

PI        PIPE / Draws rigid piping.

PX       PLUMBING FIXTURE / Places a plumbing fixture.

RP      REFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.

SK       SPRINKLER / Places a sprinkler

TF       CABLE TRAY FITTING / Places cable tray fittings.


FN9    SYSTEM BROWSER / Finds components that are not assigned to a system.

KS       KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS / Assigns key sequences to tools.

PP or CTRL-1 or VP         PROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.

RD      RENDER IN CLOUD / Renders 3D views online.

RG      RENDER GALLERY / Enables access to multiple versions of renderings, render images as panoramas, change rendering quality, and apply background environments to rendered scenes.

RR      RENDER / Creates a photorealistic image of the building model.

TL       THIN LINES / Displays all lines on the screen as a single width, regardless of zoom level.

VG or VV      VISIBILITY/GRAPHICS / Controls the visibility and graphic display of model elements, datum elements, and viewspecific elements for each view in a project.

WC     CASCADE WINDOWS / Arranges all open windows in a series in the drawing area.

WT     TILE WINDOWS / See all open views at the same time.

View Control Bar

CX       TOGGLE REVEAL CONSTRAINTS MODE / Toggles the constraints in a view.

GD      GRAPHIC DISPLAY OPTIONS / Opens the Graphics dialog box.

HC      HIDE CATEGORY / Hides all selected categories in the view.

HH      HIDE ELEMENT / Hides an element from view.

HI       ISOLATE ELEMENT / Isolates selected elements.

HL      HIDDEN LINE / Displays the image with all edges and lines drawn except those obstructed by surfaces.

HR      RESET TEMPORARY HIDE/ISOLATE / Restores any temporarily hidden elements or categories.

IC        ISOLATE CATEGORY / Isolates selected categories.

RD      RENDER IN CLOUD / Renders 3D views online.

RG      RENDER GALLERY / Enables access to multiple versions of renderings, render images as panoramas, change rendering quality, and apply background environments to rendered scenes.

RH      TOGGLE REVEAL HIDDEN ELEMENTS MODE / Toggles the Reveal Hidden Elements Mode.

RR      RENDER / Creates a photorealistic image of the building model.

RY      RAY TRACE / Opens Ray Trace visual style, enabling a photorealistic rendering mode that allows panning and zooming around the model.

SD       SHADED WITH EDGES / Applies a shaded edge.

WF     WIREFRAME / Displays the image of the model with all edges and lines drawn, but with no surfaces drawn.

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