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MAJ Plugin for SketchUp 2013-2021


This plugin can make a square or rectangular concrete columns include rebars and stirrups and material information.

Plugin fist ask you some information about column as, " "Column Length ", " Column Width", "Column Height", "Column to Zero", "Rebar Size", "Ribar Number", "Stirrup Size", "Stirrup Distance", "Neck Top", and "Neck Bottom. This information saved and any time you use this plugin you can find the last column information. After you confirmed you should select the first and second points for the column. After you select the first point you can see the column body in view. Column, rebars, and stirrups will make in "Foundasion Tag". Also column information like "Concrete Volume", "Rebars Length", "Rebars Volume", "Stirrups Length", and Stirrups Volume" will be in "Info Tag". If you don't need rebars or stirrups, just select their size as zero.

Version 0.0.2 2021/01/08

SketchUp Compatibility

SketchUp 2021, SketchUp 2020, SketchUp 2019, SketchUp 2018, SketchUp 2017, SketchUp 2016, SketchUp 2015, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2013

Download Link : HERE

Labels: SketchUp, Software

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