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One Way Slab Design Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2


Slab consists of two types which are one way slab and two way slabs.

One way slab has two types namely simply supported slab and one way continuous slab. While two way slabs also consist of two types namely simply supported two way slab and constrained slab. Slab types can be decided through side ratio calculation through BS8 110 reference such as:

  • Ly / Lx <2.0 (two way)
  • Ly / Lx > 2.0 (one-way)
with Ly was longer side and Lx was shorter side.
A slab is called one-way if the main reinforcement designs within one direction only. 
This situation happens if slab is supported only on two sides only. If slab were supported at all four sides, slab will become one way if long span ratio (Ly) to short span (Lx) is exceeding 2. Because of slab string one-way then reinforcement in span direction is main reinforcement, while reinforcement in direction perpendicular by span known as second reinforcement which functions as binding main reinforcement and help stress distribution because of temperature changes and concrete shrinkage.

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Labels: Excel Sheets, Reinforced Concrete

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