This Proforma calculates bending moments and shear forces for loads on a single span or continuous multi-span beam using the moment distribution method. Static point or distributed loads may be analysed. Settlement at the supports may also be analyzed.
1.Enter data in the yellow cells only.
2.Enter the Span Length for each span. Any number of spans may be analyzed up to a maximum of 10. Any of the 10 spans not used will be removed when loads are added. (Note: The print-out for more than 8 spans requires the paper orientation to be set to 'Landscape').
3.Enter Modulus of Elasticity (E) multiplied by the Second Moment of Area (I) for each span. Relative values of EI may be used providing settlement effects are not required, for example, if the beam is of the same material and cross section throughout then a value of 1 may be entered for EI for each span. If settlement of the supports is being considered then actual stiffness values of EI (measured in kNm2) need to be entered.
4.Loads are entered by clicking the "Add Loading" button and selecting appropriate options from the screens that follow. Loads are entered span by span by clicking the "Add" button. When all the loads have been added then click the "OK" button to calculate bending moments and shears together with moment and shear diagrams.
5.The bending moment and shear can be calculated for any point on the beam by clicking the "Moment & Shear at a Point" button after the loading has been added.
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