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Convert 123 - Units Conversion Software


Convert 123 is our conversions calculator that will give you instant answers. What's more, we provide it for free to promote our company. 

Convert between many different units and measurements, including area, density, energy, flow rate, force, length, mass, weight, power, pressure, torque, temperature, time, velocity, viscosity, volume & more. All you have to do is enter numerical values in the dedicated boxes and click a button to immediately perform the calculations. In addition, Convert123 puts at your disposal an advanced calculator and lets you export results to file, print them, copy them to the Clipboard, or immediately send them via email.

Calculations are immediately performed, while Convert123 remains light on system resources. We have not come across any issues in our tests, since the tool did not hang, crash or pop up error messages. All in all, this lightweight program comes in handy to anyone who frequently needs to convert between multiple measurement units.

Software    : Convert 123
Developer  : Daxesoft
Version      :    1.01                        
Platform     :       Windows
File Size     :       0.87 MB
License       :    Freeware      

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Labels: Software

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