What is an underground tank?
An underground tank (or sub-surface tank), is a water storage structure constructed below the
ground. The term also includes structures that are partially below ground. In most cases,
underground tanks collect and store runoff from ground catchments such as open grasslands,
hillsides, home compounds, roads, footpaths, paved and unpaved area . However, in
certain circumstances, roof catchments can also be channeled into underground tanks.
Underground tanks are especially suited to homesteads having thatched roofs and other traditional
structures or for areas where a roof catchment may not be feasible. However, it may be necessary
to pump (lift) water, except where the ground gradient permits and where gravity outlets are
constructed. Underground tanks can be designed as spherical or cylindrical and constructed using
bricks. Since underground tanks get support from the surrounding ground, thus they can be built
with less reinforcing material. Thus, underground tanks have lower construction costs and
therefore, are more suited for storing agricultural water than surface tanks.
Advantages and disadvantages of underground tanks
Advantages of sub-surface tanks:
Underground tanks offer a cheaper to install due to its lower cost of reinforcements needed
during construction, as compared to surface tanks. This is due because ground support
provides the strength needed to hold the water
They are appropriate in places where space above ground is limited; and they can be made
larger than surface tanks
The water is sometimes cooler
Larger volumes of water can be stored.
Pump or some kind abstraction device (such as rope and bucket) is required to lift the water.
Except where the ground gradient permits and where gravity outlets are constructed.
Higher possibility of contamination and sedimentation sediment inflow.
They cannot be easily drained for cleaning.
If not well managed e.g. properly covered, they pose danger to children and small animals.
Leaks or failures are more difficult to detect
Tree roots can damage the structure from beneath
Flotation of the tank may occur if groundwater level is high, and
Heavy vehicles driving over a tank or other weight can damage the structure.
Reinforced Concrete
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