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Types of Portland Cement (Khmer Language)

There are five type of Portland cement used in construction
Type I – Ordinary Portland Cement​​
cement is made for use in general concrete construction. It should be regarded as a standard
material to be used on all work where no unusual conditions or requirements are likely to be encountered. Ready-mixed concrete is usually batched with Type I cement unless some other type is specified by the purchaser.

Type II – Moderate Heat Portland Cement
cement imparts to concrete all the essential characteristics obtainable with Type I cement, plus
improved resistance to sulfate attack,less generation of heat, somewhat better work a ability, lower permeability, and less tendency to bleed. Type II cement is ground some what finer than Type I, and it
has a somewhat different chemical composition. Concrete made with Type II cement will show lower early strength than concrete containing Type I cement, but at three months there is no important difference in strengths.

Type III – High Early Strength Portland Cement
cement is often referred to as high-early-strength cement. It is ground much finer than Types I
and II and its most important characteristic is rapid development of strength. It is used in emergency
construction, or under any conditions that require early discontinuation of curing and protection. As
the table indicates, the strength advantage of concrete made with Type III cement drops steadily with age, eventually equaling that of concretes made with Types I and II cement High-early strength can also be obtained at somewhat less cost by using an accelerator with either Type 1 or TvDe II cement.

Type IV – Sulfate Resisting Portland Cement
cement generates less total heat, and does it at a slower rate, than the other types. It is used mainly in massive concrete structures to prevent the severe cracking that may occur when high tempera-t u res are reached during hydration . Concrete made with Type IV cement is not generally suitable for ordinary structures because it requires extra care at early ages, and pro longed curing (21 days or more) is necessary to obtain adequate strength and weather resistance. As the accompanying table show s, Type IV cement develops comprehensive strength rather slowly, but with adequate protection and curing it reaches equality with concrete made with Type I cement.

Type V–Low-Heat Portland Cement
cement provides the high-est attainable resistance to alkali at-tack, and for this reason it is generally specified for structures which come in contact with water or soil having large concentrations of sulfates. Early strengths are low, but are somewhat higher than for Type IV cement. It also compares favorably with Type IV cement in respect to  heat generation. When proper curing conditions are maintained, concrete made with Type V cement attains excellent strength .
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Labels: Reinforced Concrete, Specification

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