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Quarry Materials

Quarry material is rock, sand, gravel, earth or other mineral material, other than local borrow or selected material, obtained on the project.
Quarry material does not include materials such as cement, lime, marble powder etc. obtained from established commercial sources.
Quarry Materials shall be furnished by the Contractor from any source he may select, except that when mandatory local sources of certain materials are designated on the Drawings or in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall furnish material from such designated mandatory sources.
The furnishing of quarry materials from any source is subject to the provisions of Sub- Clauses 37.1 Inspection of Operations and 37.2 Inspection and Testing of the General Conditions.
Unless approved in writing by the Engineer, material sources shall not be excavated allocations where the resulting scars will present an unsightly appearance from any highway. No payment will be made for material obtained in violation of this provision.
The Contractor shall, at his expense, make any arrangements necessary for hauling over local public and private roads from any source and shall comply in all respects with the relevant provisions of the General Conditions.
Labels: Specification

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